Management Committee

Boards Of Commissioner

Chairul Tanjung

President Commissioneer

Achjadi Ranuwisastra

Independent Commissioneer

Lambock V. Nahattands

Independent Commissioneer


Independent Commissioneer


Kostaman Thayib

President Director 

Indivara Erni

Vice President Director

Lay Diza Larentie

Vice President Director

Yuni Lastianto

Compliance & Human Capital Director

Madi Darmadi Lazuardi

Credit Director

Martin Mulwanto

Treasury & Int. Banking Director

C. Guntur Triyudianto

Operations Director

Y.B. Hariantono

Information Technology Director

Bank Senior Management by December 31st 2023

A. Ary Satrio

Internal Audit Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Bogor Agricultural Institute. Appointed as Head of Internal Audit since October 2020. Previously served as the Bank Mega Head of Operational Risk Management since April 2016.

Achmad Agustiyatama

Transformation Project Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Toledo. Appointed as Transformation Project Head effective July 2021 and previously worked at CIMB Niaga as Merchant Business Product & Project Division Head.

Adang Isnandar

Corporate Legal Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1958. Bachelor of Laws from the University of Indonesia. Appointed as Corporate Legal Head in May 2002 and previously worked at Para Group as Senior Assistant to the Legal Director.

Adistia Sukyantho

Financial Control Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1969. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University. Appointed as Head of Financial Control since July 2005 and previously worked at KAP Prasetio, Sarwoko & Sandjaja, Member of E&Y as Manager Auditor.

Agustina Lubis

Treasury Operations Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1972. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Gadjah Mada University. Appointed as Head of Treasury Operations since December 2020, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Regional Operations Manager since July 2018.

Aldirahman Pramadhana

National Credit Appraisal Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1984. Holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Thompson Rivers and a Master of Business Administration from the Asian Institute Management, Philippines. Appointed as National Credit Appraisal Head since June 2022 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Credit Policy & Portfolio Management since April 2017.

Alfiya Rahmani

Marketing Communication Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Trisakti University. Appointed as Head of Marketing Communications since June 2020 and previously worked at Leo Burnet Indonesia as Client Service Director.

Andrew Wongjaya

Regional Head Banjarmasin

Indonesian citizen, born in 1966. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Klabat University. Appointed as Regional Head of Banjarmasin since February 2021 and previously worked for the Bank Mega as Regional Head of Makassar since February 2015.

Anwar V. Purba

Human Capital Management Head

Indonesian national, born in 1964. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia and completed the Executive Master in Business Administration Program at the Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines. Appointed as Human Capital Management Head in October 2008 and previously worked at Para Group as Corporate Human Resources.

Anggoro Sulaksono

Chief of Staff

Indonesian national, born in 1980. Holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology and a Masters in Management from Prasetya Mulya. Appointed as Chief of Staff since November 2021 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Data Center & System Monitoring since August 2020.

Bachren Ipon

CCPL Product, Portfolio & Acquisition Marketing Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1981. Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems from Budi Luhur University. Appointed as CCPL Product, Portfolio & Acquisition Marketing Head since July 2022 and previously worked at the Bank as CCPL Portfolio Head since April 2019.

Bobby Herman Joenan

CCPL Recovery Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1961. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Sam Ratulangi University. Appointed as CCPL Recovery Head since February 2015 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Special Asset Management since December 2013.

Budi Setio Wibowo

Crime & Fraud Investigation Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from YAI College of Economics. Appointed as Head of Crime & Fraud Investigation since January 2016 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Banking Fraud since April 2012.

Caroline Setiabudi

Digital Marketing Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1985. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Engineering and a Master’s degree in Management from Bina Nusantara University. Appointed as Head of Digital Marketing since February 2022 and previously worked at Visionet Indonesia as VP Product Marketing.

Christiana Maria Damanik

Corporate Affairs Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1962. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of the Philippines. Appointed as Head of Corporate Affairs since October 2015 and previously worked at Bank Pundi Indonesia as Head of Corporate Secretary.

Cynthia Rikasari

Treasury & International Banking Business Support Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology and Master’s degree in Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology. Appointed as Treasury & International Banking Business Support Head since February 2015 and previously worked at Bank Danamon as CM, FI & TB Business Management Head.

Dedep Ihsan Fauzi

Collection Strategy & Support Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1982. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Affairs from Padjadjaran University. Appointed as Head of Collection Strategy & Support since April 2019, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of People Strategic Management since April 2017.

Dedy Curyani

IT Infrastructure Service & Operations Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1965. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Borobudur University. Appointed as Head of IT Infrastructure Service & Operations since June 2015 and previously worked at Maybank as Head of IT Infrastructure.

Dedy Solihin

Credit Collection & Remedial Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1968. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Lampung. Appointed as Head of Credit Collection & Remedial since April 2019 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Credit Development & Portfolio since January 2016.

Denny Takarada Herlambang

Customer Experience & Customer Care Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. Bachelor’s degree in Tourism from Yapari College of Tourism Economics. Appointed as Head of Customer Experience & Customer Care since October 2017, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Customer Experience.

Desy Miranda

Corporate Funding Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1966. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Andalas University. Appointed as Head of Corporate Funding in June 2012 and previously joined the Bank Mega as Deputy RM Funding & Fee Based Income Regional since July 2008.

Dewitri Prasdiana

Strategic & Business Development Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1972. Bachelor’s degree in Planning from Bandung Institute of Technology. Appointed as Head of Strategic & Business Development since May 2022 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as a Portfolio Quality Specialist since July 2020.

Dicky Pramayudha

Credit Risk Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1980. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture from Jenderal Soedirman University, a Master’s Degree in Management from Gadjah Mada University and a Master of Business Administration from the Asian Institute of Management - Philippines. Appointed as Head of Credit Risk Management since August 2018, he previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Corporate & Commercial Credit Review since April 2017.

Dimas Prasetyo

Property & Facility Services Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1984. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Trisakti University. Appointed as Head of Property & Facility Services since November 2015 and previously worked at Bank UOB Indonesia as Head of Property.

Donny Indra Lukito

Treasury Sales Head

Indonesian born, born in 1975. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from STIE Perbanas. Appointed as Head of Treasury Sales since March 2018, previously worked at Bank HCBC Indonesia as Head of FX Sales.

Denny Kurniawan

Retail, Funding & Wealth sales Academy Head

Indonesian born, born in 1982. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Bogor Agricultural Institute. Appointed as Head of Retail, Funding & Wealth Sales Academy since April 2023 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Area Transmart Branch Sales Head since April 2019.

Emmylia Soesanti

Centralized Transactional Operations Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Veterans National Development University, East Java. Appointed as Head of Centralized Transactional Operations since April 2016, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Treasury Operations.

Enggah Ramdani

Anti Money Laundering Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1966. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Ibnu Chaldun University. Appointed as Anti Money Laundering Head since July 2020 and previously worked at Bank Danamon as Monitoring & Testing Head.

Ferry Oktavianus Mantiri

Credit Business Head

Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir pada tahun 1963. Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Airlangga. Ditetapkan sebagai Credit Business Head sejak Agustus 2021 dan sebelumnya berkarier di Bank Victoria International sebagai Associate Director Corporate Banking and multifinance.

Fx Surjobroto

Funding & Wealth Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. Holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Parahyangan Catholic University. Appointed as Head of Funding & Wealth Sales since March 2019, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Branch Channel Sales since September 2018.


Account Services Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1978. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tanjungpura University. Appointed as Head of Account Services since March 2019 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of CCPL Credit Initiation & Maintenance since January 2016.

Hanusa Prahara

Chief of Staff

Indonesian citizen, born in 1971. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Padjadjaran University and a Master of Business Administration from the Asian Institute of Management - Philippines. Appointed as Chief of Staff since April 2021 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as General Management Office since June 2015.

 Haposan Robert P. Manurung

Bancassurance Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1965. Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indonesian Institute of Technology. Appointed as Bancassurance Sales Head in October 2022 and previously worked at Bank HSBC Indonesia as National Wealth Sales & Client Acquisition Head.

Hari Taviantoro

Core Banking System Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1965. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bandung Raya University. Appointed as Head of Core Banking System since September 2019, previously worked at Bank BJB West Java as Head of Research Task Section.

Hengky Tanring

Regional Head Makassar

Indonesian citizen, born in 1966. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Hasanuddin University. Appointed as Regional Head in February 2021 and previously worked at Bank Danamon as Regional Head.

Henry Daniel Bukit

Corporate Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from Jenderal Achmad Yani University and a Master’s Degree in Management from PPM College of Management. Appointed as Head of Corporate Sales in February 2020 and previously worked at Bank UOB Indonesia as Head of Corporate Banking.


Regional Head Jakarta 1

Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University. Appointed as Head of Retail Product Management since June 2021, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Retail Funding & Transmart Branch Sales since March 2019.


Retail Product Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University. Appointed as Head of Retail Product Management since June 2021, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Retail Funding & Transmart Branch Sales since March 2019.

Ibrahim Alamsyah

Investment Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1972. Holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Parahyangan Catholic University. Appointed as Head of Investment Sales since November 2023, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Regional Head of Investment Sales since March 2019.

Jacky Gosumolo

Business Performance Management & Analytics Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1981. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Trisakti University. Appointed as Head of Business Performance Management & Analytics since April 2021, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Performance Management since September 2015.

Leonard Panjaitan

Indirect Channel Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1969. Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Technology from Bogor Agricultural Institute. Appointed as Head of Indirect Channel since January 2014 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Indirect Channel Relationship Manager since December 2013.

Liana Efendi

Customer Segment Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oregon. Appointed as Head of Client Segment in January 2021 and previously worked at AIA Financial as Head of High Net Worth.

Lina Wu

Regional Head Medan

Indonesian citizen, born in 1976. Bachelor of Engineering from Td Pardede Institute of Science and Technology. Appointed as Regional Head in August 2021 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Deputy Regional Head for Funding.

Liviana Dewi Hie

Regional Head Semarang

Indonesian citizen, born in 1968. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Satya Wacana Christian University. Appointed as Regional Head since April 2016 and previously worked at Bank Permata as Head, CCPL Network Acquisition.

M. Ade Kurniawan

Human Capital Reward, Operations & Services Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1983. Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Persada Indonesia University Y.A.I. Appointed as Head of Human Capital Reward, Operations & Services since May 2022 and previously worked at Bank Muamalat as Head of Human Capital Strategy & Service.

Mariana Haryani

Procurement Services Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1972. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University. Appointed as Head of Procurement Services in September 2012 and previously worked at the Bank Bank as Branch Manager.

Midiani Diah Casitriati

Sales Process & Governance Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. Holds a Bachelor of Business Degree from Victoria University - Australia. Appointed as Head of Sales Process & Governance since October 2018, previously worked at Bank Ekonomi Raharja as Global Standard Head.

Mutesa Holdin

Centralized Credit Operations Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bandar Lampung University. Appointed as Head of Centralized Credit Operations since September 2014 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Credit Monitoring & Reporting since April 2014.

Nelly M H Sidabutar

Telemarketing Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Bachelor’sdegree in Economics from STIE Tri DharmaWidya. Appointed as Head of Telemarketing since January 2021 and previously worked at Bank DBS Indonesia as Sales Channel Head.

Noordwianto Chandra Kresna

CCPL Collection Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from STIE IBMI Don Bosco. Appointed as CCPL Collection Head since January 2018 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as CCPL Front End Collection Head since January 2016.

Nova Afriyanti

Operational Risk Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1990. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). Appointed as Head of Operational Risk Management since October 2022, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of ORM Methodology since August 2018.

Omar Soeharto

Compliance & GCG Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1964. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Parahyangan Catholic University. Appointed as Head of Compliance & GCG in April 2012 and previously served as Head of Corporate Governance Opinion since August 2011.

Ralph Birger Poetiray

Treasury & Financial Institution Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1968. Holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Leicester - UK. Appointed as Head of Treasury & Financial Institutions since May 2021, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Treasury & Global Market since March 2019.

Rangga Bayu Pamungkas

Market, Liquidity & Integrated Risk Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1971. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Gadjah Mada University and a Master of Management degree from Gadjah Mada University. Appointed as Head of Market, Liquidity & Integrated Risk Management since April 2017 and previously worked at Bank BNI as Group Head of Market & Liquidity Risk Management.

Rika Rahayu Begawan

Regional Head Bandung

Indonesian citizen, born in 1969. Bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Bogor Agricultural Institute. Appointed as Regional Manager in June 2015 and Previously worked for the Bank Mega as a Branch Manager since November 2002.

Rinaldi Usman

Retail Acquisition & Alternate Channel Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1969. Holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Padjadjaran University. Appointed as CCPL & Alternate Channel Sales Head since March 2018, and previously worked at Standard Chartered Bank as National Client Acquisition Head.

Riri Er Shinta Wallad

CCPL Partnership & Acquiring Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). Appointed as CCPL Partnership & Acquiring Head since March 2022 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as CCPL Partnership Head since December 2020.

Rio Francisco

Retail Acquisition Sales Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1981. Bachelor of Letters from Indonesian Christian University. Appointed as Head of Retail Acquisition Sales since April 2023 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Retail Funding Acquisition Sales since February 2020.

Sandra Rustandi

Regional Head Jakarta 2

Indonesian citizen, born in 1974. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University. Appointed as Regional Head since March 2018, and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Deputy Regional Head for Funding since June 2017.

Santoso Wibowo

IT Project Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1977. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Pelita Harapan University. Appointed as Head of IT Project Management since May 2018, previously worked at Bank UOB Indonesia as Head of Retail BTOM.


Capital Market Services Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1958. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Esa Unggul University. Appointed as Head of Capital Market Services in April 2012 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Capital Markets Division since July 2000.

Sri Dewi Mulyati

CCPL Marketing & Business Support Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1964. Holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Jakarta State University and a master’s degree in management from the Indonesian Institute of Business and Informatics. Appointed as CCPL Marketing & Business Support Head since November 2019, and previously worked at Bank Pan Indonesia as the Unsecured Lending Business Group Head.

Shinta Melzatia

Trustee & Agency Service Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1974. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Mercu Buana University and a Master’s Degree in Accounting from the University of Indonesia. Appointed as Head of Trustee & Agency Services since February 2023 and previously worked at Ciidea Consulting as an Associate Consultant.

Sri Budiasih Purwandari

Custodian Service Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1964. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Bogor Agricultural Institute. Appointed as Head of Custodian Services since September 2023 and previously worked at the Bank Mega as Head of Capital Marketing & Processing.

Theresia Sandhora  Alfoncia

Regional Head Surabaya

Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. He holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Tridharma University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Asian Institute of Management - Philippines. Appointed as Regional Head since February 2021 and previously worked for the Bank as Regional Head Banjarmasin since April 2016.

Tri Gangga Wiratma

Process Management & Operations Control Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1963. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Affairs from Diponegoro University. Appointed as Head of Process Management & Operations Control since July 2020, and previously worked at the Bank as Head of Process Management since March 2019.

Triarso Anggoro

Network Operations Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Mercu Buana University. Appointed as Head of Network Operations since April 2015, previously worked at Bank Pan Indonesia as Head of Business Process Retail Banking Group.

Utomo Budi Rahardjo

Process & System Development Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1962. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Gunadarma University and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Asian Institute of Management - Philippines. Appointed as Head of Process and System Development since May 2018, and previously worked at the Bank as Head of Core Banking Systems.

Windy Sri Ekawati

National Credit Review, Restructure & Control Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1984. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Indonesia. Appointed as Head of National Credit Review, Restructuring & Control since August 2022 and previously worked at the Bank as Head of Corporate & Commercial Credit Review since April 2017.

Y. Wahyu Agung Prasetyo

IT & Cyber Risk Management Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1982. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from Gajah Mada University and a Master’s Degree in Engineering from Swiss-German University. Appointed as Head of IT & Cyber Risk Management since July 2022 and previously worked at Bank Danamon as Head of Information Security Management.

Yeremia Ariyanto Imanuel

Credit Asset Recovery Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1975. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Mataram. Appointed as Head of Credit Asset Recovery since April 2017, and previously worked at the Bank as Head of SME Asset Recovery since January 2016.

Yoyo Juhartoyo

IT Electronic Channel Head

Indonesian citizen, born in 1965. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bina Nusantara University. Appointed as Head of IT Electronic Channel since February 2015 and previously worked at the Bank as Head of Information Technology since May 2013.

Zico Mario Samuel Setiono

Chief of Staff

Indonesian citizen, born in 1986. Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Trisakti Universit, a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of New South Wales (AU) - Sydney, Australia and Master of Business Administration dari University of Virginia Darden School of Business (US). Appointed as Chief of Staff since May 2022 and previously worked at ZA Tech Global Indonesia as VP Business Development.


Corporate Secretary

Christiana Maria Damanik

Corporate Secretary

Internal Audit Unit Head

Harlina Wati Rahardja

Internal Audit Unit Head

Audit Commitee


Chairman of Audit Commitee

Purwo Junianto

Member of Audit Committee

Ivan Purnama Sanoesi

Member of Audit Committee

Risk Oversight Commitee 

Achjadi Ranuwisastra

Chairman of Risk Oversight Committee

Iramady Irdja

Member of Risk Oversight Committee

Adrial Salam

Member of Risk Oversight Committee

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Achjadi Ranuwisastra

Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Lambock V. Nahattands

Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee