Funds can be disbursed anytime and anywhere

Cash Loan

Mega Cash Line

Mega Cash Line is a cash loan in card form that can be withdrawn anytime, without using collateral, in the form of a stand-by loan provided to the Customer, with a revolving and installment payment system and cannot be used for retail transactions at merchants.


  • Funds can be disbursed anytime and anywhere
  • Disbursement of funds is flexible, can be used in partial or in full
  • A revolving loan facility, your Mega Cash Line ceiling will be refilled after payment is received and funds can be reused immediately
  • Fixed Installments, you can enjoy fixed installment facilities with low interest with periods of 12, 18, 24 and 36 months
  • Easy fund disbursement, cash withdrawal facilities through Bank Mega ATMs or transferring funds through MegaCall 08041500010
  • Competitive interest rates

Submission Terms

General Requirements
  • The prospective customer is 21-55 years old or has been married
  • Minimum monthly income of IDR 3 million
Document Requirements
  • Copy of ID card
  • Copy of Bank Mega / Other Bank Credit Card / Bank Mega Payroll Account
  • Copy of NPWP (Limit> Rp. 50 million)

Submission method

For prospective selected customers will be contacted by Bank Mega Telemarketing

Card & PIN Activation in Easy Way

Send an SMS to 3377 using the mobile number registered with the format:
AKT <Space> Last 4 Digits Your Credit Card Number <Space> Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY)
Example: AKT 1234 01011990

You will receive a confirmation SMS as well as an SMS to activate your PIN. Please answer the SMS with the following format:
YES <Last Space> 4 Digit Number of Mega Cash Card Line
Example: YES 1234

Fund Disbursement 

You can withdraw Mega Cash Line funds by:

  • Cash withdrawal at Bank Mega ATM

    • Enter the Mega Cash Line Card
    • Input No. Mega Cash Line Card PIN
    • Select Cash Withdrawals Menu
    • Enter Amount of Fund Withdrawal
    • Finished
  • Fund Transfer* Via MegaCall 

    Contact MegaCall 08041500010
    *Free transferring fee to any account number

Fund Disbursement Limits

  Maximum Daily Transactions
Bank Mega ATM MegaCall
Cash withdrawals Rp 10 Million


Transfer to Bank Mega Account N/A Rp 200 Million
Transfer to Another Bank Account N/A Rp 200 Million

Bill Payment

You can pay the Mega Cash Line monthly bill in the following ways:

  • Payment through Bank Mega Accounts and ATM
    • Enter the Mega Debit Card
    • Input No. Mega Debit Card PIN
    • Select Menu Payment
    • Select Other Menu
    • Select Loan Menu
    • On the Loan Menu, Select the Mega Cash Line Menu
    • Input the Mega Cash Line Number
    • On the Mega Cash Line payment page, input the amount to be paid - Choose pay
    • Confirm Mega Cash Line payment
    • Select payment account
    • Finished
  • Payment through another bank account or ATM
    • Input ATM PIN
    • Select Transfer Menu
    • Select Transfer to Another Bank
    • Select List of Bank Codes
    • Enter Bank Mega Code (426) + Your Mega Cash Line Number
    • Input the amount to be paid
    • Finished
  • Payment Through Teller Bank Mega branch office


Mega Credit Shield Maksima

Mega Credit Shield Maksima, with Premium of 0.55% from the Current Balance

The said product is an insurance program for Mega Cash Line card holder that covers the risk of death due to illness or accident, and the risk to suffer total/partial and permanent disability due to illness or accident.

Insurance Benefits:

  • If insured passed away, not due to accident, then insurer will pay 200% of current Mega Cash Line card balance at the time of risk
  • If insured passed away, due to accident, then insurer will pay 500% of current Mega Cash Line card balance at the time of risk
  • If insured being diagnosed to suffer total and permanent disability due to illness or accident then insurer will pay 100% of current Mega Cash Line card balance at the time of risk
  • If insured being diagnosed to suffer partial and permanent disability due to illness or accident, for at least 30 consecutive days then insurer will pay 10% of current Mega Cash Line card balance at the time of risk or maximum Rp50,000 in monthly basis, for a maximum of 12 months as long as insured suffers the said risk, with a maximum limit is as per the said credit card balance at the time of diagnosis or with a certain predefined amount, paid to Bank Mega as the Policyholder.
  • Insurance benefit will be paid to Policyholder to first allocate the payment benefit to settle the said Mega Cash Line card balance, and the remainder is paid to Beneficiary

Mega Cash Line

Mega Cash Line merupakan pinjaman dana tunai dalam bentuk kartu yang dapat dicairkan kapan saja dimana saja, tanpa menggunakan jaminan, dalam bentuk stand by loan yang diberikan kepada Nasabah, dengan sistem pembayaran secara revolving maupun installment dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk transaksi ritel di merchant.


  • Dana dapat dicairkan kapan saja dan dimana saja
  • Pencairan dana fleksible, dapat digunakan sebagian atau seluruhnya
  • Fasilitas pinjaman revolving, plafon Mega Cash Line Anda akan terisi kembali setelah pembayaran diterima dan dana dapat langsung digunakan kembali
  • Cicilan Tetap, Anda dapat menikmati fasilitas cicilan tetap dengan bunga rendah dengan jangka waktu 12, 18, 24, dan 36 bulan
  • Pencairan dana mudah, fasilitas tarik tunai melalui ATM Bank Mega dan pentransferan dana melalui MegaCall 1500010
  • Suku Bunga kompetitif

Syarat Pengajuan

Persyaratan Umum
  • Umur calon nasabah 21-60 tahun atau sudah pernah menikah
  • Minimum penghasilan per bulan Rp 3 juta
Persyararatan Dokumen
  • Fotocopy KTP
  • Fotocopy Kartu Kredit Bank Mega/ Bank Lain/ Rekening Payroll Bank Mega
  • Fotocopy NPWP (Limit > Rp 50 juta)

Cara Pengajuan

Untuk calon nasabah terpilih akan dihubungi oleh Telemarketing Bank Mega

Aktivasi Kartu dan Request PIN

  • Aktivasi Kartu

Kirim SMS ke 3377 menggunakan nomor handphone yang terdaftar dengan format :

AKT <Spasi> 4 Digit Terakhir Nomor Kartu Mega Cash Line Anda <Spasi>Tanggal Lahir (DDMMYYYY)

Contoh : AKT 1234 01011990

  • Aktivasi PIN

Kirim SMS ke 3377 menggunakan nomor handphone yang terdaftar dengan format :

PIN <Spasi> 4 Digit Terakhir Nomor Kartu Mega Cash Line Anda <Spasi>Tanggal Lahir (DDMMYYYY) <Spasi> 6 Digit PIN

Contoh: PIN 1234 01011990 123456

Anda akan menerima SMS konfirmasi sekaligus SMS untuk melakukan aktivasi PIN. Silakan menjawab SMS dengan format berikut:

YA<Spasi>4 Digit Terakhir Nomor Kartu Mega Cash Line Anda

Contoh: YA 1234

Pencairan Dana

Anda dapat melakukan pencairan dana Mega Cash Line dengan cara :

  • Tarik Tunai di ATM Bank Mega

    • Masukan Kartu Mega Cash Line
    • Masukan No. PIN Kartu Mega Cash Line
    • Pilih Menu Penarikan Tunai
    • Masukan Jumlah Penarikan Dana
    • Selesai
  • Transfer* Dana

Melalui MegaCall Hubungi MegaCall 1500010
*Gratis biaya transfer dana Mega Cash Line ke nomor rekening manapun

Batas Pencairan Dana

  Maksimum Transaksi Harian
ATM Bank Mega MegaCall
Penarikan Tunai Rp 10 Juta


Transfer ke Rekening Bank Mega N/A Rp 200 Juta
Transfer ke Rekening Bank Lain N/A Rp 200 Juta

Pembayaran Tagihan

Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran tagihan bulanan Mega Cash Line melalui beberapa cara berikut :

  • Pembayaran Melalui Rekening dan ATM Bank Mega
    • Masukan Kartu Mega Debit
    • Masukan No. PIN Kartu Mega Debit
    • Pilih Menu Pembayaran
    • Pilih Menu Lainnya
    • Pilih Menu Pinjaman
    • Pada Menu Pinjaman, Pilih Menu Mega Cash Line
    • Input Nomor Mega Cash Line
    • Pada halaman pembayaran Mega Cash Line, Input jumlah yang akan dibayarkan – Pilih bayar
    • Konfirmasi pembayaran Mega Cash Line
    • Pilih Rekening pembayaran
    • Selesai
  • Pembayaran Melalui Rekening atau ATM Bank Lain
    • Input PIN ATM
    • Pilih Menu Transfer
    • Pilih Transfer ke Bank Lain
    • Pilih Daftar Kode Bank
    • Masukan Kode Bank Mega (426) + Nomer Mega Cash Line Anda
    • Input jumlah yang akan dibayarkan
    • Selesai
  • Pembayaran Melalui Teller kantor cabang Bank Mega


Apply Now

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