Solution to develop
your business opportunity

Indirect Channel

Credit facility that is channeled through partnered financial institutions (Multifinance, BPD, and other institutions) to provide lending service to individuals/business entities.

Financing Categories and Facilities Offered:

Joint Financing

Facilities offered:

Mega Oto Joint Financing (MOJF)
Joint financing between Bank and Partner to channel fund that will be lent to end user/borrower to purchase motorised vehicles with two wheels and up to ten wheels.

Mega Multi Purpose Joint Financing (MMPJF)
Joint financing between Bank and Partner to channel fund that will be lent to end user/borrower to purchase electronic goods, IT and communication devices, Home appliances, and other consumer goods.

Mega Oto Pengalihan Portofolio (MOPP)
Portofolio Conveyance of Consumer Credit in the form of auto loans that was owned by the Partnered Institution to the Bank

Mega Multi Purpose Pengalihan Portofolio (MMPP)
Portofolio Conveyance of Consumer Credit in the form of auto loans that was owned by the Partnered Institution to the Bank.



Facilities offered:

  • Business Checking Account
  • Demand Loan
  • Fixed Loan
Find out more information:

You can visit our nearest branch or contact MegaCall