Mega Perdana is a saving product for daily transactions. Furthermore, there are all-time discounts for transactions using the debit card at CT Corp merchants.
Mega Perdana offers you accessibility to more than 300 branches, 700 ATM Machine, and facilitate ease of transaction in 40.000 ATM Network around Indonesia also 1,9 mio ATM Network around the World.
Tier | Balance Range | Mega Perdana | |
Effective Until 14th Nov 21 | Effective Since 15th Nov 21 | ||
I | < 1 Million | 0.00 | 0.00 |
II | >= 1 Million - < 500 Million | 1,00 | 0,25 |
II | >= 500 Million | 1,00 | 1,00 |
Information |
Amount (IDR) |
Initial Deposit | 500.000 |
Minimum Balance | 500.000 |
Minimum Holding Balance | 500.000 |
Minimum Balance Fee (per Month) | 10.000 |
Dormant Fee (per Month) | 10.000 |
Closing Account Fee | 100.000 |
Card Re-issue Fee | 25.000 |
Admin Fee (per Month) |
Admin and Service Fee (per Month) Effective on January 25th 2021 |
12.500 | 17.500 |
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