Tabunganku is an individual savings for Indonesian citizens (WNI) with simple requirement, small initial deposit, and free of administration fee, to facilitate ease the culture of saving and improving people's prosperity.
Information |
Amount (IDR) |
Initial Deposit | 20.000 |
Minimum Balance | 20.000 |
Minimum Holding Balance | 20.000 |
Administration Fee (per Month) | free |
Service Fee (per Month) Effective on 25th January 2021 |
5.000 |
Minimum Balance Fee (per Month) | - |
Dormant Fee (per Month) | 2.000 |
Closing Account Fee | 20.000 |
Card Re-issue Fee | 25.000 |
Total Cash Withdrawal Transaction |
Fees per Transaction Effective since June 15th 2021 |
<= 2 times | Free |
> 2 times | IDR 5.000 / transaction |
*Withdrawal transaction through all channel: ATM (all ATM’s channel), Branches (Counter).
Existing (Effective until Oktober 31st 2021) :
Debiting transaction fees (if any) will be accumulated during 1 Month period and the charges will be debited at the 5th of the followin month or at the next working day.
New (Effective Since November 1st 2021) :
Debiting transaction fees will be charged real time.
Noted :
Tiering |
Balance Range(IDR) |
Tabunganku |
Effective Until 12th Juli 2022 |
Effective Since 13th Juli 2022 |
I |
<= 500 Thousand |
0,00% |
0,00% |
II |
> 500 Thousand s.d <= 1 Million |
0,25% |
0,00% |
>= 1 Million |
1,00% |
0,10% |
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